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“Event Horizon” bears undeniable similarities to several precursors, notable “Alien.” There’s the ill-omened distress signal, the group dynamics, and of course the interstellar setting. However the set design really imbues an “Alien” vibe, with intricate construction evoking H.R. Giger’s work. Similarly, much of the buildup plods along mounting tension.
Paul W. S. Anderson’s film sets itself apart though with an explosion of gore. The finale is shockingly intense, and apparently the theatrical version was heavily edited. Unfortunately the script stumbles, bordering on laughably bad in spots. Luckily, with veteran actors Laurence Fishburne and Sam Neill at the helm, it’s not a complete abomination. After viewing a particularly gory video on the ship’s log, Captain Miller simply states “we’re leaving.” Only Fishburne can utter such gross understatements and avoid eye-rolling. Rather, he provides a stoic leadership which extends from his character to the entire film. While not the deepest movie thematically, “Event Horizon” pays homage to films like “Alien,” and “Hellraiser,” with compelling visuals and a hearty dose of cringe-worthy gore. It’s a tragically overlooked film, and perfect horror flick for those with the stomach to endure the graphic violence.
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