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“The Black Cauldron” is truly unique among Disney flicks. Most obvious is the lack of songs. There’s a lovely score, but no singing, unlike the traditional Disney formula. Additionally, it’s noticeably darker in content than the traditional animated movie, and contains some potentially frightening images for young audiences. The Horned King’s leering, skeletal face, the decaying Cauldron Born, and swooping dragons all lend a creepy atmosphere.
This sense is aided by remarkable animation. The backdrop springs to life with startling vividness, and each set piece displays like a painting. Perspective additionally lends a deeper, realistic feel. Luminescent green smoke wafts from the cauldron, which seems surprisingly real. Possibly the best examples, however, are the dragon chase scenes. There are angles used which appear as if shot with an actual camera, and really convey movement.
The voice acting is quite wonderful. Taran, Fflweddur, and Princess Elinowy have excellent chemistry, shown through their banter and interactions. Gurgi’s gruff but friendly Yoda-like speech is quite cool. John Hurt’s rasping Horned King is the real gem, however. There’s a fascinating making-of video showing how Hurt managed the sinister vocals. Sadly, it has yet to appear on a home video release (hint hint Disney). The bumbling witches Orddu (Eda Reiss Merin), Orgoch (Billie Hayes), and Orwen (Adele Malis-Morey) are hilarious, and their distinct personalities almost appear as precursors to the Sanderson Sisters in “Hocus Pocus.” “The Black Cauldron” is simply a great, one of a kind Disney animated flick. With witches, hordes of undead, a skeletal antagonist, and of course a cauldron it’s essentially a lavish compilation of Halloween paraphernalia backed by a compelling narrative.
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