Infinity Stones Hero

What are the Infinity Stones and where are they?

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) kicked off with “Iron Man” in 2008. Since the MCU’s inception, the epic film franchise blossomed into a several phase series of movies, TV shows, and more. At the center of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are Infinity Stones. Learn all about the Infinity Stones, from what they are to where they are.

What are the Infinity Stones?

Benicio Del Toro’s “The Collector” explains: “Before creation itself, there were six singularities. Then the universe exploded into existence, and the remnants of these systems were forged into concentrated ingots… Infinity Stones.”

Essentially, these are the remnants of the Big Bang. Depicted as colored gems, the Infinity Stones provide unique powers.
The six soul stones are:

  • Tesseract (Space Stone): The Tesseract first appeared in “Captain America: The First Avenger,” predominantly used by Red Skull. Later, during “The Avengers,” Loki used the Tesseract after stealing it from S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

    Where is the Tesseract/Space Stone: In the finale of “The Avengers,” Thor brought the Tesseract back to Asgard.

  • Aether (Reality Stone): The Aether appears as a red liquid that binds to a host. It’s initially seen in “Thor: The Dark World” where it possesses Dr. Jane Foster.

    Where is the Aether/Reality Stone: In a post-credits scene, the Aether is brought to The Collector. However, during “Guardians of the Galaxy,” The Collector’s home is destroyed leaving the whereabouts of the Reality Stone unaccounted for.

  • Orb (Power Stone): A purple Infinity Stone, the Orb or Power Stone lends great power to its holder. “Guardians of the Galaxy” introduces the Power Stone, which Star-Lord and company use to stop Kree villain Ronan.

    Where is the Orb/Power Stone: At the conclusion of “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the Power Stone finds itself in the hands of the Nova Corp.

  • Loki’s scepter/Vision’s head (Mind Stone): Loki’s scepter wielded incredible capabilities such as mind control. Shown as a yellow gem, the Mind Stone later morphs a red robot into a sentient being, Vision.

    Where is the Mind Stone: At present, it’s in Vision’s head.

  • Eye of Agamotto (Time Stone): A green orb, the Eye of Agamotto aka the Time Stone appears in “Doctor Strange.” It bestows the power to control time on its user: speed up or slow down time, use it for time travel. In the wrong hands *cough*Thanos*cough*, this could prove particularly devastating.

    Where is the Time Stone: Doctor Strange possesses the Time Stone or the Eye of Agamotto.

  • Soul Stone: The Soul Stone is able to trap souls inside another world. This concept derives from the comics, as the Soul Stone has yet to make an on-screen appearance in the MCU…that we know of.Where is the Soul Stone: ???

What and where are the Infinity Stones: Final thoughts

It’s abundantly clear that Thanos possesses, or will obtain, the Infinity Stones during the events of “Avengers: Infinity War.” Where the final stone resides, and Vision’s fate after the Mind Stone is plucked, presumably in a rough manner, from his forehead is unknown. What’s certain is the Mad Titan is bound to leave a wake of destruction sure to alter the MCU forever.

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