
Review: NCIS New Orleans “In Plain Sight”

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Levar Burton returns to “NCIS: New Orleans,” this time remaining behind the camera. The veteran actor, best known for his roles on “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and “Reading Rainbow” honed his writing chops on the likes of Disney Channel Original Movie “Smart House.” While “NCIS New Orleans” season 5 episode 18 might not be his directional debut, it’s certainly among his finest, as well as the show’s finest.ncis new orleans in plain sightPatton “Triple P” Plame (Daryl “Chill” Mitchell) gets a call from his friend Nick Taylor following a game of basketball. Although Triple calls 9-11 immediately, Nick bleeds out. As Special Agent Dwayne Pride (Scott Bakula) questions Plame, the distraught Patton laments, “I’ve worked all these cases with you, and I can’t remember [any details about the shooting].” Pride replies, “It makes all the sense in the world. He was your friend.”

The investigation leads the NCIS NOLA outfit to the Valor Brigade, an organization working with injured veterans to train them for careers as analysts in law enforcement. Despite a recent reinstatement as Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Pride insists on remaining on the case. Against his protestations, Patton demands that he be allowed to continue collaborating with the NCIS New Orleans team.

Looking into Taylor’s murder leads Agents Tammy Gregorio (Vanessa Ferlito) and Chris LaSalle (Lucas Black) to Crane Rehab Center. As Triple P explains, it’s more than a mere rehab center. Instead, it’s akin to a clubhouse or sanctuary. At the center, LaSalle and Gregorio interrogate Julia Flores, Kevin’s physical therapist. Eventually, they discover that the Valor Brigade has been bugged. Plame reveals, “Disabled people are everywhere, but society trains people to look right through us. If they look at us at all. We hide in plain sight.”


“In Plain Sight” tackles a difficult topic tastefully. At the beginning of “NCIS: New Orleans” S05E18, LaSalle and Gregorio interrupt a patient, preventing him from getting a new personal record. “Keep up the good work,” LaSalle comments encouragingly. Realizing his remark didn’t carry its desired effect, he wonders, “Was I not supposed to say that?” There’s a thoughtful exploration of disabilities, both how individuals grapple with physical and mental challenges, as well as how those with disabilities are treated in society.

Kurt Yaeger puts in a solid performance as Kevin Simms, a recently injured New Orleans detective and member of the Valor Brigade. While Simms and Patton initially disagree on several issues, “In Plain Sight” finds Simms courtside at Patton’s next basketball game. Medical examiner Loretta Wade (CCH Pounder) benefits from ample screen time, a welcome change, though Special Agent Hannah Khoury (Necar Zadegan) and Sebastian Lund (Rob Kerkovich) get placed on the backburner. Yet, with such a robust cast, it’s tough to highlight every character throughout the entirety of the series.

As director, LeVar Burton lends a cinematic vibe “NCIS: New Orleans” episode “In Plain Sight.” There’s a haunting shot featuring a close up of Patton in the wake of Nick’s murder. Although Pride remains in the field, I’m curious how resuming his role as SAC will shape his future interactions with his NCIS New Orleans unit, and if Dawyne Pride will continue on as SAC in the future.

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